Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Its so cute hearing little kids talk, especially when they're just learning. Eli and Matt have been going to the library after dinner every once in a while to play "com-poo-goo games" on their computers and look for free movies. Last night Matt went out with some friends and Eli was trying to guess where he was going. He couldn't remember the word for library, so he asked if Matt was going to the "lib-bicycle".

Monday, November 21, 2005


I never thought that grocery shopping alone could seem like a vacation. No one yelling at me for snacks, or crying because they're tired of the pumpkin seat... what joy there is in a little bit of silence! Although, it was a little bit crazy going shopping 3 days before Thanksgiving.

Mama's Girl

There is something secretly satisfying about the fact that my daughter doesn't want anyone else but me right now. Although it means that time away from her can be difficult for her babysitter whenever we go out, I find some satisfaction in being the only one who really makes her happy! As I'm writing this I can hear her cute little babbling over the monitor. I guess my free time is over!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

"Pay daddy dive"

"Hev Fadoo, pay dive home daddy geen caw."

Translation: "Heavenly Father, I pray that you would keep my daddy safe as he drives home in his green car."

I almost cried when I overheard my 21 month old son praying for his daddy. Normally, around 5 pm we sit down in the big blue chair in our living room and pray for Matt as he's driving home. We pray that God would keep him safe, and that we would be in a good mood when he gets home. But today Eli was praying all by himself. I didn't prompt him to say it, he wasn't just repeating what I say every day, he was really praying!

Although I don't know what he really knows about who God is, he's starting to get an idea... how exciting!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


As soon as I decided to stay home with my kids, I caught myself qualifying my life. When asked what I do, I would say to people, "I'm a stay-at-home mom, but I was in grad-school when I got pregnant." As if staying home wasn't a good enough answer; I had to find my significance in my past. One day I finally realized that I have the best job on the planet, and no amount of pay could ever replace the joy I receive from my two beautiful children! Ok, so its not always rosy, but what job is? This blog is a record of my joys (and struggles) as a mom at home.